Making specific choices is a common part of navigating the difficulties of raising twins, particularly when preserving their individuality. You have identical twin girls one-year-old, and as their mother, you have always valued their individuality and avoided dressing them alike.
It matters to you that they are acknowledged as unique people and not merely as “the twins.” Your decisions have been governed by this concept, even when it comes to how you dress them, even in scenarios when others might assume they match.
Tensions have increased because of an impending family portrait for your great-grandmother’s 80th birthday. Even though you have carefully chosen unique costumes for each daughter to represent her personality, your mother has demanded that they wear the same clothes for the photo.
because she thinks it would look “cute.” Your brother has also intervened in this intense family dispute, pleading with you to maintain harmony by giving in, even if it’s just for the picture.
You find yourself at a loss as to whether the possible strife within the family justifies maintaining your conviction that your daughters ought to be treated as unique persons, even for a single photo.
Ultimately, this tale is about a mother’s will to respect her daughters’ uniqueness despite pressure from the family—not just a dispute over gowns.

Image credits: Pixabay
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Image credits: cottonbro studio

Image credits: cottonbro studio

Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio
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