Sometimes the secrets we keep from our early years can resurface unexpectedly as adults. A harmless school excursion to a museum when I was only 7 or 8 years old became a lifetime burden.
When I went to an exhibit on Ancient Egypt, I was drawn to a little greenish-blue figure that depicted a goddess with a hippo head. I hastily put the artifact in my pocket and carried it home, not fully realizing the implications.
I said nothing, too afraid to acknowledge what I had done, as the museum and my school went into overdrive trying to find the missing piece.
I still own the figure now that I’m thirty-one, and the weight of that long-kept secret has only gotten heavier with time. Come along as I finally tell my tale and discuss how I might atone for a childhood error that has plagued me for a long time.
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Reddit users responded to the original post with much commentary regarding the circumstances. Several people submitted amusing and inventive ideas in the comments section for getting the stolen artifact back, such as mailing it back to the museum under pretenses or even contacting the Egyptian government. Some laughed about bringing the artifact on Antiques Roadshow, while others discussed the ethics of preserving it and said that it ought to be placed back where it belongs.
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